Saturday, March 28, 2015

In all Ancient cultures including ours the Idea of Age's Exist the numbers may vary but there has always been a categorization of the Ethical and Spiritual Decline of Human beings and the scaling back up
in Sat they where all Gods because Spirituality was perfected to a new Level and Material Technological dependency was Removed from day to day life and for grand endeavours
it is the power of Faith and less reliance on the technological Material Aspects
it was the same for Norse and Greeks perhaps even for other parts of the world
Polytheism was in essence to understand and Identify Various Attributes which match within a Human and in Nature
again it is the same Fractal patterns when you worship a aparticular God you are relating to his or her presence within yourself
Monotheistic religions are simply trying to Explain all the confusion which the mortal mind suffers in a simple Direct way
because people cannot grasp the complexities of faith and spirituality anymore
so to simplify faith a new set of rules is generated or commandments
but because the Human mind seeks answers which these path's cannot give Atheistic views gain Strength
the dogma or the fixed rules make it difficult to modify such views according to time and place
besides most such path's Sink down to Conquest and Slavery Eventually or from the get go and onset
In the modern age with technological advancement Political Ideas have taken over and people simply avoid Faith altogether
but without the Idea of Afterlife they do not fear Judgement for things which go Unnoticed by others
Still the Hunger to Believe and to make sense of things is even more so when Life is difficult in one manner or the other ,people end up following some kind of religion or Religious Leader searching for meaning to Life

Friday, March 27, 2015

It is about certainty being sure of things what you know about yourself the world what you define as reality and truth
it is about Strength Inner strength a Strong Mind which you function off
in the real world . People find it through Knowledge Faith Physical Strength Money Position Qualification Fame Following what they believe to be Ability Capability
Their words are meaningless Views Pointless and Civility a Farce
they seek only to Impose themselves as a Name & face to be the Bully rather than the Bullied.They have either achieved a certain finesse in their Ignorance and pretend to be Ethical at least in public whereas the Ethical face transforms into "this is how the world is" face in Privacy
a Method to their Deceit and Shameless Self Promotion
Above all else they Lack Goodwill and by Them I mean Most people who have achieved any kind of success in any field
Ambition is a Sin because it is for Self through Self it does not bring the Society into play within the Loop

Thursday, March 26, 2015

It will play out in either of these two ways

the True thinkers they who seek to Understand Truth and Accept Reality who have what it takes to Jump into the Abyss and derive Knowledge piece together Society Dharma karma back while risking their own live's and Sanity will Succeed for Love and a Safe Dignified Life 
it will disintegrate into deeper lack of order Chance and Confusion will take over.the Bar will disappear maybe some Nukes would be involved the Entrepreneur's who seek Order to keep the market going would become Obsolete the Ability to Loot instead to produce will become Norm
which is already being done by powerful nations groups and has been going on for centuries only the charade of Businessmen would not be needed anymore and the Punchline of Justice would be pointless the collective consciousness would not need the comfort zone of patriotism religion and other Social Ideas it is when the average person would make peace with the idea that it is how it is the strong prey on the weak it is this idea which makes people give up Higher principles for the lower one's closer to bestial survival .The more ingrained this mentality is among the masses the worse living standards get and will continue to do so

Right is Might is society Ascending
Might is Right is society Descending

whatever every Individual believes would alter Narayan or Truth's perspective whether the World should get better or Worse

Santana Dharma is eternal Truth in all forms of Reality