Friday, March 27, 2015

It is about certainty being sure of things what you know about yourself the world what you define as reality and truth
it is about Strength Inner strength a Strong Mind which you function off
in the real world . People find it through Knowledge Faith Physical Strength Money Position Qualification Fame Following what they believe to be Ability Capability
Their words are meaningless Views Pointless and Civility a Farce
they seek only to Impose themselves as a Name & face to be the Bully rather than the Bullied.They have either achieved a certain finesse in their Ignorance and pretend to be Ethical at least in public whereas the Ethical face transforms into "this is how the world is" face in Privacy
a Method to their Deceit and Shameless Self Promotion
Above all else they Lack Goodwill and by Them I mean Most people who have achieved any kind of success in any field
Ambition is a Sin because it is for Self through Self it does not bring the Society into play within the Loop

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